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Start building your own applications with the Port's open source code. Explore the examples below.


A responsive web map application template with built-in geospatial tools using Bootstrap and Mapbox GL. Check out the code on Github. New to coding? No worries. We created a tutorial that's designed to teach you how access PortMap, add geographic data, and make that data interactive. You can find the tutorial here

Layer tree allows the user to interactively organize and reposition map layers.
Supports drawing and editing using Mapbox Draw API.
Client side Print Export to PNG or PDF with legend.
Identify features on the map.
Location tools for finding addresses and lat/long coordinates.
Search layer properties with autocomplete and zoom to feature.

Portmap Analyst

A responsive web map application template with geospatial tools using Turf, Bootstrap and Mapbox GL. It's basically a starting point to easily attach additional Turf.js spatial analysis tools. What's already included is a lat/lng finder, center of mass, buffer, great circle, polygon grid, feature measurement, and coordinate array. Check it out at Github.

Edit, export, or drag-n-drop JSON files.
Buffer selected features.
Create custom grids.
Live measurements as you draw features.
Identify the center of mass of a feature.

GeoJSON Search Control

A plugin for Mapbox GL JS, the GeoJSON Search Control provides a way to enhance your geographic data into searchable features, allowing the user to explore JSON properties and find results on the map.

The GeoJSON Search Control is a collaboration between the Port of Portland and The Gartrell Group.

Find the repo on Github

Gitrob (Forked)

This repo is forked from the main repo at Gitrob, but includes two additional features. First, the ability to pull code from private repos over HTTPS, and second the ability to disable the web server from running via a new command-line switch "noweb".

Gitrob is a tool to help find potentially sensitive files pushed to public repositories on Github. Gitrob will clone repositories belonging to a user or organization down to a configurable depth and iterate through the commit history and flag files that match signatures for potentially sensitive files. The findings will be presented through a web interface for easy browsing and analysis.

Find the repo on Github

Terraform Windows DNS Provider

This is code for a Terraform Windows DNS Provider, which you can use to create DNS records in Microsoft Windows DNS.

The provider uses the package to "shell out" to PowerShell, fire up a WinRM session, and perform the actual DNS work. This provider was built because the Go WinRM packages only supported WinRM in Basic/Unencrypted mode, which is not doable in some environments.

Find the repo on Github

Terraform Windows Active Directory Provider

This is the repository for a Terraform Active Directory Provider, which you can use to perform operations against Microsoft Active Directory.

The provider uses the package to "shell out" to PowerShell, fire up a WinRM session, and perform the actual script work. This provider was built because the Go WinRM packages only supported WinRM in Basic/Unencrypted mode, which is not doable in some environments.

Find the repo on Github

Connect to Port APIs or deploy your own. Check out the examples below and start connecting to the Port today.


This API returns global elevation values using Mapbox Elevation and AWS Lambda. With Serverless Framework, the API can be deployed to AWS in seconds. Deployment instructions are on Github.